Monday, July 2, 2012

Hi there, its been a long time since we've blogged, so we thought we would give you a bit of an update. The site has been pretty busy despite the weather!!! We have felt very sorry for our little town of Hebden Bridge following the storms of last weekend, but the towns people have taken it well and really proved what a great community we have here. Many shops have re-opened and are working very hard to get things back to normal. Here at the site we missed the worst of it as we are up the hill, we even had campers staying that weekend ( a very hardy bunch).

We have started work on Betty ( the caravan named by our good friend Rowanna Lacy) she is going to be very cosy and cute. If you are interested in staying in the van let us know and we will sort out the bed and a firepit for your stay. THats all for now hopefully i will post again before the end of the season... but i am not promising anything.